Amelia's ticker

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Amelia and me at Natural's Baseball game
Amelia and her Daddy with her favorite outfit that Patrick nicknamed "Spouter"

Hanging out with Daddy working on teething!

Hanging out in the Bumbo!!

Rice Cereal time- Amelia likes to hold the spoon!!

Okay, so I really wonder what I did with all of my time before a baby. Surely, I should have been able to get more done than I am able to now.....Amelia doesn't understand that when she only takes naps for 10 minutes that is almost more unhelpful because I get something started but then am not able to finish it. I keep thinking that when she is older and more independent I might be able to get more done. However, I think that each new stage also brings different kinds of challenges (crawling, walking, etc).
Anyway- she took a pretty good nap today and I have had some time to check email and try to take care of my responsibilities for the Junior League. I am not quite sure why I volunteered to vice chair a committee since I can't even keep my own life in order, but I did!! So, I hope you can understand why this blog won't be updated daily or even weekly. I will try to do it as often as I can but I think it is truly more important for me to play with Amelia on the floor than write about her! So here are some new pictures- enjoy!!!

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