Amelia's ticker

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fall and Halloween

Nene, Patrick, and Amelia
Amelia the elephant & Sam the Dinosaur trick or treating in the neighborhood I grew up in
Our little Elephant!
The whole family! Amelia & her first piece of trick or treat candy- she had to open it before we left the driveway!
Shaking hands with the scarecrow
Amelia at the pumpkin patch
Scooping out the Elmo Pumpkin-she was really into it!

Although fall is not officially over yet, I somehow and very ready to move onto Christmas! I wanted to post Amelia's cute pictures from the pumpkin patch and from Halloween before I started posting Christmas pictures. Amelia was supposed to be Minnie Mouse but decided she would rather be an elephant instead. She made a cute elephant though and I am glad she wore her outfit to trick or treat in. She wasn't sick like last year so this was a big plus.

We started trick or treating early in the neighborhood I grew up in over on Golden Oaks. We went to the Wardlow's House and met up with Sam (the dinosaur) and went to the Nickell's, Cooks, and Jackson's house (Amelia and Sam's pediatrician!) We had an entourage helping the kids trick or treat- both of Sam's sets of grandparents and parents, and Amelia's parents and one set of grandparents. It was quite comical.

Then we headed over to Butterfield so that Ameila could trick or treat at both of her great-grandmas houses and last but not least to her Aunt and Uncle's House for some hot dogs and chili. Unfortunately, we didn't make it anywhere else and were exhausted by the end of the night!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Playgroup party

Stella the monkey and Amelia the elephant
Stella, Bradyen, Brody, and Amelia "bobbing for apples"
Everyone taking bites out of their apples
Stella, Brayden, and Amelia
Amelia the elephant complete with trick or treat pail!

Okay, so yes, it has been a month since I posted but in my defense I was out of the country for 2 weeks.... I will hopefully get the Europe pictures posted soon. I had to post these right away because they are so cute! We had a Halloween Mom's group today and it was so fun. The hostess had everything so cute and Halloween- cupcakes, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut out like pumpkins, ham and cheese for the moms, rice krispie treats on a stick with orange sprinkles, juice boxes or milk, breakfast punch for the mommies, and apples. The kids played their own version of "bobbing for apples". They would simply take a bite from an apple and stick it back in the tub and then come back later for more. It was really gross but also hilarious. I caught several of them on camera taking a bit of their apples at the same time. It was total chaos but fun. Now that they are all a little bit older, the moms do actually have a chance to talk a little.....
Now, the story on Amelia and Halloween. Patrick and I bought her a super cute Minnie Mouse Costume complete with ears and bow at the Disney Store in Paris. I felt certain nobody else would have a costume exactly like hers. We were supposed to dress up for music class on Wednesday and I put the cute dress on her. She looked so adorable. Then she started screaming and pulling on the dress saying "OFF OFF" So, I took it off and started over again this time putting a onesie underneath thinking this would help. No luck- she scream, cried, etc until we put normal clothes on. So, when I was at Target yesterday, I got some "backup" costumes of a lion and an elephant. She loved holding the lion outfit but didn't want to put it on. She tried on the elephant outfit for a short time and then wanted it off. However, today at playgroup since everyone else was dressed up she stayed in costume for the longest EVER (probably 30 mins!) but it looks like she will be an elephant after all. Someone is already a little opinionated I believe! Hopefully, we will be able to get her in it again for Halloween!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Our own private tailgating party!

The Family at halftime
Amelia Cheering for the hogs!
Amelia pointing to her Razorback on her dress

Okay- so I FINALLY posted a new post- sadly the last one was in April. However, someone better post a comment or something so I know that someone is actually still looking at these pictures!
I have some cute pictures my dad took of Amelia today at the Razorback game. Sadly we ended up losing to Alabama in the last quarter, but it was a great game. Today was Amelia's 2nd Razorback game of the season and she loves to clap, cheer, and call the hogs. She will sit through all 4 quarters and loves to people watch. It is quite the change from last football season when we could hardly get her to sit through 30 mins!
Amelia is now 18 months old, has a head full of curly hair, and has lots of new words. One of her newest and most frequently used words is now: Razorback! She can also call the hogs which is so cute.
Enjoy the pictures and I will try to be better about getting some new ones up more frequently!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Does everyone blog everyday but me?

Lunch with Daddy and sucking on a lemon!Amelia's monkey pj's- you ask her where the monkey is and she points to one of the monkeys or grabs the monkey on her foot!
Messy eater-luckily she doesn't always look like this after a meal!
Sucking on a lemon! Her new strawberry pjs complete with Colorado Rockies hat- GO ROCKIES!!

Okay- So I was at a playgroup today and there were like 2 super blogger moms there (they have followers, giveaways, etc). One of my other friends is now blogging for KNWA check it out. Which led me to post a blog today. I guess I was started to feel guility that I haven't updated it in awhile- one of my friends informed me at church a couple of weeks ago that my blog hasn't been updated in over a month! Honestly though, the months are flying by and it sometimes feel like a big deal that I even get to post that much! So I am glad to know that some people acutally look at it and let me ramble on and on about the cute things Amelia is doing.
The biggest update is that Miss Amelia is walking, walking, walking!! She also has become very vocal and now says "Hi, mama,dada, bye-bye, bird, dog, baba, Na Na (we think this is the name she has picked out for my mom). Her little voice is so cute!!
She also is still really great at her baby signs which is so funny. She loves to watch her videos (this would make a great baby gift for anyone with a new baby) and requests to watch them doing the sign for baby, pulling up her chair, and pointing to the DVD player. She also likes to try and push the buttons.

I know that the pediatric office doesn't recommend tv until kids are 2 but I am not quite sure how I could ever dry my hair, put on make-up or make dinner without them. They also are so entertaining and education for Amelia. I only let her watch it 2x in one day so it is a total of 1 hour out of her day. Anyway- I highly recommend them and pretty much have the songs stuck in my head all day everyday.
Here are a couple of new pictures of little Miss Amelia and her crazy curly hair!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Amelia's 1st Birthday!

Amelia and her great-grandma Nene
Birthday girl- opening her gifts
Mam ma (Patrick's mom), Aunt Janis, Cousin Kathy, and Aunt Sarah
Ewww!! She does not like the taste of the cake!
Checking out the cake before she decided it was gross
Birthday girl wearing her dress that mommy, Aunt Janis, and Nene made for her
Party food- it was a birdie theme!
Amelia's smash cake (they she barely touched!)
Happy 1st Birhday Amelia party banner (thanks to sweet tea and pickles at and party favors
The food table!

Okay- these are a little late and I haven't posted in awhile but things have just been really busy!! Amelia isn't walking yet but she is like a little tornado that I follow around the house all day. Her favorite things to play with currently are not her toys at all but Tupperware, pots/pans, cabinets (opening and shutting, repeat), mommy's make-up bag, laundry, you get the picture.

Anyway- here are some pictures from her big day. She was a champion that day and seemed to know that the day was all about her. She woke up at 6:15 AM and did not go back to sleep but luckily, she did nap before the big party. It was mainly family at the party and some of her little friends that she plays with.

The day was a lot of fun and she was really into opening her presents and being social with everyone. The little hiccup in the day was that we found out Amelia hates birthday cake. We put some blueberries on her highchair tray which she ate happily and then she cried when the cake came. We had a brilliant idea to put blueberries on the cake which she ate off of the cake and then cried. It was quite funny really!!

We did her birthday on March 6th and her church dedication on March 7th which was her actual birthday. Hopefully, I will get the dedication pictures posted next!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

More Snow!

Amelia and a little pine tree which is still bigger than her!
Sitting on a snow covered bench

Mommy and Amelia in the front yard
Daddy and Amelia
Okay- the snow just keeps on coming. We are loving it but a lot of people around here hate it. Here are some pictures from the end of January when we had the biggest snow. Patrick, Amelia, Mia and I bundled up and went outside to play. Amelia didn't really understand what all the fuss was about but we had to get some pictures.

Friday, January 29, 2010

New Amelia Pictures and SNOW!!!

This is the ice that arrived before the snow- it is pretty but sure makes things more complicated!
Mia- playing in the snow and loving it!
A view of the ice on my favorite tree in our front yard
Ice and snow in our front yard
This is a close up picture of Amelia watching the snow from the kitchen window
Such a big girl!
Okay- I really have to explain this picture.... Grandpa Pat (Patrick's Dad) sent her a "Billy Bob" pacifier- it really looks funny !!
After bath time- Patrick and I attempting to put a diaper on her!
Such a sweet girl!!!

Can I just say I LOVE the snow-it reminds me of Colorado and good times! Patrick is in heaven with all the snow! It will be a lot more fun when I can take Amelia out to play in it but stuffing her in her snowsuit for something she doesn't even understand yet just sounded exhausting today. Just dressing her most days takes a lot out of me- she is like a little monkey and I have to chase her around and do one arm/leg at a time....Don't get me started on how hard it is to change her diaper now. It usually takes both Patrick and I at night after her bath and she SCREAMS until we let her get up to play! I am afraid that she already has a very strong personality...she must have gotten that from Patrick......

So instead, I went out in the snow to get the mail when she was napping so Mia could play around in the snow. Mia LOVES the snow and had a blast.

Here are some pictures of the snow and some really recent pictures of Miss Amelia. She is getting so big!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Amelia is getting so big!!

All worn out- a rare site! Sleeping in her big girl carseat

Amelia discovered the toilet paper and it is now a favorite pass time of hers to play with it

I literally turned around to put away a fork and she was STANDING on the door or the dishwasher!!

Helping with the laundry- she could do this for hours!

Okay- so it has been over a month since I last posted anything. Sorry! However, I now have to follow Miss Amelia around the house while she opens cabinets and drawers and have little free time. Amelia is "cruising" (walking from place to place by holding onto furniture, walls, etc) at a fast pace. She has stood a couple of times without holding onto anything but she never realizes it-if she did she would sit down and probably start to cry. At the rate she is going, she will probably be walking by her 1st birthday.
Amelia has become quite a little helper by helping me unload the dishwasher, washing machine, and unrolling our toilet paper rolls (not really too helpful). She is busy all the time and some days only sleeps for about an hour or two....Here are some new pictures of our little busy body.