Amelia's ticker

Friday, January 29, 2010

New Amelia Pictures and SNOW!!!

This is the ice that arrived before the snow- it is pretty but sure makes things more complicated!
Mia- playing in the snow and loving it!
A view of the ice on my favorite tree in our front yard
Ice and snow in our front yard
This is a close up picture of Amelia watching the snow from the kitchen window
Such a big girl!
Okay- I really have to explain this picture.... Grandpa Pat (Patrick's Dad) sent her a "Billy Bob" pacifier- it really looks funny !!
After bath time- Patrick and I attempting to put a diaper on her!
Such a sweet girl!!!

Can I just say I LOVE the snow-it reminds me of Colorado and good times! Patrick is in heaven with all the snow! It will be a lot more fun when I can take Amelia out to play in it but stuffing her in her snowsuit for something she doesn't even understand yet just sounded exhausting today. Just dressing her most days takes a lot out of me- she is like a little monkey and I have to chase her around and do one arm/leg at a time....Don't get me started on how hard it is to change her diaper now. It usually takes both Patrick and I at night after her bath and she SCREAMS until we let her get up to play! I am afraid that she already has a very strong personality...she must have gotten that from Patrick......

So instead, I went out in the snow to get the mail when she was napping so Mia could play around in the snow. Mia LOVES the snow and had a blast.

Here are some pictures of the snow and some really recent pictures of Miss Amelia. She is getting so big!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Amelia is getting so big!!

All worn out- a rare site! Sleeping in her big girl carseat

Amelia discovered the toilet paper and it is now a favorite pass time of hers to play with it

I literally turned around to put away a fork and she was STANDING on the door or the dishwasher!!

Helping with the laundry- she could do this for hours!

Okay- so it has been over a month since I last posted anything. Sorry! However, I now have to follow Miss Amelia around the house while she opens cabinets and drawers and have little free time. Amelia is "cruising" (walking from place to place by holding onto furniture, walls, etc) at a fast pace. She has stood a couple of times without holding onto anything but she never realizes it-if she did she would sit down and probably start to cry. At the rate she is going, she will probably be walking by her 1st birthday.
Amelia has become quite a little helper by helping me unload the dishwasher, washing machine, and unrolling our toilet paper rolls (not really too helpful). She is busy all the time and some days only sleeps for about an hour or two....Here are some new pictures of our little busy body.