Well we had to go to the ER for the first time with little miss Amelia. She cried for about 3 1/2 straight on Sunday night and nothing we were doing would soothe her. We finally loaded her up about 1:30 AM and didn't get back home until 4:00 AM. Turns out she had a really bad ear infection and some upper respiratory congestion. They gave her some Tylenol with codeine which helped her sleep and relieve the pain. We couldn't fill the RX until the next morning. Who knew that the Walgreen's pharmacy is only open until 12:00 but the store is 24 hours. Not really helpful when you have to fill a prescription at 4:00 AM. Anyway- her fever got up to 104.5 yesterday morning which was really scary. Luckily we brought it back down fairly quickly, thanks to great advice from the nurse at our pediatric clinic. Amelia slept most of the day yesterday to make up for her 4 hours of sleep from 4:00 AM-8:00 AM on Monday morning. She is doing much better today but still not quite back to her old self.
In light of Christmas being right around the corner and all that we have to be thankful for- I am attaching some pictures that my good friend Kyle Reynolds took for us. They turned out really good and I wanted to share a few of my favorites. Merry Christmas!!!